Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of Our Urban Trees

on Thursday, June 20, 2024
in San Marino, CA


presented by street tree seminar, inc - the los angeles/orange county regional council


8:30 – Welcome and Introductions - Erik Diaz, West Coast Arborists, Inc., STS President 

 8:35 – Welcome from The Huntington - Nicole Cavender, Telleen/Jorgensen Director of the Botanical Gardens at The Huntington

8:45 – Research on Fire and California’s Urban Forests - Francisco Escobedo, USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station

The unprecedented severity, effects, and dynamics of recent wildfires in California are now increasingly affecting urban forests in more populated, densely built urban neighborhoods. However, guidelines and information on post-fire urban forest restoration practices, tree flammability, landscaping practices, post-fire tree risk assessments and post-fire tree cover trajectory information and  tools are few, anecdotal, and not easily accessible. This presentation will overview some current research projects that attempt to document, support, and study impacts that are relevant to urban foresters and arborists.

10:00 – Break

10:20 – Competing Property Interests in Street Trees. James Komen, Class One Arboriculture

Street trees are ubiquitous in urban areas. They often provide substantial benefits to private landowners and to the general public. However, sometimes they can be obstructions and nuisances.  What degree of ownership do property owners and municipalities have over street trees? What property rights are shared? What rights are subordinate to others?   This talk presents a sampling of cases from around the US that illustrate some of the conflicts arising between landowners, government entities, and the general public over their competing property interests in street trees.

11:20 - Pest and Disease Challenges Faced by our Urban Trees, Christopher Shogren, PhD., University of California Cooperative Extension

 The urban environment presents a unique set of challenges for trees. The challenges in combination with a changing climate predispose our urban trees to pest and disease pressure. Proper management of pests in the urban environment is a delicate balance of requiring tree, pest, municipal code, and a wealth of other knowledge. This talk with cover how to identify some of the emerging tree pests and diseases, and best management practice for treating and maintaining healthy trees.                                                                    

12:20 – Lunch Break

1:00 – Mapping Social and Environmental Stewardship in the LA River Watershed. Alyssa S. Thomas, PhD., USFS Pacific Southwest Research Station

The Stewardship Mapping and Assessment Project (STEW-MAP) was applied in the Los Angeles River Watershed to answer the questions: Who are the active environmental stewardship groups in my area and where, why, and how are they caring for the land? To answer these questions, researchers developed an inventory of 535 environmental stewardship groups in the LA River Watershed and collected survey responses from 107. This presentation will explore the results and discuss the implications for urban and community forestry projects in the Watershed.

 2:00 – Post Fire Urban Canopy Restoration, Igor Lacan, PhD., University of California Cooperative Extension

 3:00 – Wrap Up / CEUs  

 The garden is open until 5:00pm - feel free to enjoy on your own.

PLEASE NOTE: A limited number of table top exhibits are available.  Fee is $250.00 plus event registration - contact STS for more information or to reserve a spot.

Cost of Registration

STS Member: $150

 Nonmember: $175

Student: $75

Registration should be postmarked by 6/10/2024 No Refunds


Rothenberg Hall

Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens

1151 Oxford Rd. ~ San Marino, CA

Please use the main entry gate at 1800 Orlando Road

Continuing Education Hours

5.5 CA/MS/TW

4.0 BCMA - Management /1.5 BCMA - Science

DPR 1.0 Other (applied for)



1151 Oxford Road
San Marino, CA 911018