Western Chapter International Society of Arboriculture
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Members Only
The members only section allows you to manage your contact information and communication preferences. You will also be able to access your WCISA membership information as well as track your certfications, CEUs, register for meetings and sign-up for tests.
Mike Palat mpalat@wcainc.com
Vince Mikulanis vince.mikulanis@davey.com
Walt Warriner wwca621@aol.com
Rebecca Senior rsenior@email.arizona.edu
Dennis Yniguez dennis@treedecisions.com
Ian Campbell ian@ic-trees.com
James Komen classonearboriculture@gmail.com
Terri Koiki tkoike@honolulu.gov
Linda Chalker-Scott editor@wcisa.net
Igor Lacan ilacan@ucanr.edu
Tracey Takeuchi integratedsolutionsarborist@gmail.com
Robert Phillips rpwvineyards@gmail.com
Joey Lynn Watt JoeyLW@StarNursery.com
Gordon Matassa gordon.matassa@gmail.com
Leon Boroditsky leon.boroditsky@lacity.org
Daniel Goyette the.daniel.j.goyette@gmail.com
Raquel Falco Raquel@arboleros.org
Madeleine Rauhe mbrauhe@gmail.com
Ryan Gilpin ryan@nidusconsulting.com
Jared Abrojena jared@academy-trained.com
John Leffingwell john@woodreeveconsulting.com
Todd Walker twalker@cnutility.com
Jessika Mitchell jessika.mitchell@davey.com