Trees and Fire featuring Steven Swain
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Registration ends ends Aug 01
Date and Time:
Wednesday, August 2nd, 2023 | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Webinar Description:
We will discuss trees from both a pre-fire perspective, and a post-fire perspective. In the pre-fire perspective we’ll briefly discuss how trees help sequester carbon, and how we select trees and place them to maximize benefits, and how that works with (or against) defensible space. For the post-fire perspective, we’ll discuss how trees generally survive fires from a national perspective, and then drill down into coastal California to see how our trees behave differently, and how we might assess the likelihood of survivability.
Instructor Bio:
Steven Swain is the Environmental Horticulture Advisor for Marin and Sonoma Counties. He brings a breadth of perspectives to his work in forest pathology, having been introduced to Phytophthora ramorum while working in industry in the mid ‘90’s, then working in both research and extension positions at UC Davis, UC Berkeley, and UC Cooperative Extension. His work on trees in the wildland-urban interface has dragged him into the world of fire research, where he’s doing his best to figure stuff out without anyone getting burned.
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